Saturday, December 1, 2007

Saturday December 1, 2007

The worship team went out for the first time today for a time of evangelistic outreach at the College Excelsior High School. In addition to the worship team playing we had a testimony by our children ministry leader and a sketch by the high school student on "Being a slave of this world". My short evangelistic message picked up on the theme of the sketch. I titled it: Freedom or Death. Since our forefathers fought to free the Haitian land of slavery in 1804, I asked the question "What generation is going to bring about the spiritual revolution". Are we braves enough to step forward and be a true disciple of Jesus Christ since there is no other name given to men by which we can be saved.
I also use 2 clips from the movie "The Matrix" to show that most people live in slavery and don't even care to know the truth but heros like Neo search for the truth and find freedom. We need to be braves enough to seek the truth and make the choice of taking the RED pill like Neo, but our red pill is the blood of our Savior Jesus-Christ.

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