Thursday, March 25, 2010

Clinic: Up and Running

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pastor Seige,
Congratulation on all that you have achieved at Calvary Village. The new satellite, telephones and computers I'm sure are a wonderful blessing. So nice to be able to see the pictures. I am a member of the DIRT team from St. Pete and we helped with clearing the area for the medical tents. I am so happy that they are up and running. The Lord is such a Wonderful Father. He provides with great abundance to all His people. He hears Calvary Village prayers and all of your brothers and sisters in Christ who are so far away and yet very close in heart and Spirit. I pray for you, and the Village during this Easter time. May the Lord immerse the Holy Spirit in you so you may proclaim the wonders of the Word to all who come to you on this Blessed week end where our Lord Jesus Christ rose from death and redeemed his place at the right hand of our Father. We are so loved by the Trinity.
Blessings to you and Calvary Village,