Thursday, March 13, 2008

Taking Pastoral Oath

Today was an important day in the development of Calvary Chapel's ministry in Haiti. After many trips to various government offices and many LONG hours of waiting on signatures and other bureacracy, Seige succeeded in taking an oath before the Minister of Justice which gives him official legal recognition in Haiti as a pastor. This is an important step in being able to do all the church's legal affairs in the name of the church instead of in the name of an individual. What happens very often is that land, buildings, vehicles, etc. are purchased in the name on an individual rather than in the name of an organization. Invariably this causes conflict and, in many cases, has been the downfall of churches and ministry organizations. We believe that God is most glorified by us abiding as best we can by the laws of the land without resorting to corruption and by us planning for the long-term continuation of the ministry.
Taking an oath before the Minister of Justice or getting a signature on a legal paper does not make someone a pastor. According to God's Word, it is God in His grace who chooses and equips pastors and teachers for the equipping of the body of Christ. However, as good stewards, we believe that all our affairs should be transparent and above reproach.
Faithfully pray for Seige as he leads the Calvary ministry here in Haiti.

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