Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday December 29, 2007

The worship team was invited to a service of thanksgiving in a friend's house. It is a yearly event and this year we had the opportunity to lead worship.
We had a great time and our children ministry leader presented to the gospel through a poem.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wednesday December 26, 2007

Monique Guillaume ministry and Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince combined our efforts to present the street kids the opportunity to fellowship with other brothers in Christ, some of whom came from the USA.

The kids sang, recited Bible verses, told joke, answered Bible trivia and we all had a great time in the Lord.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday December 23, 2007

God is faithful always. His promises always come true as it is the case with our children ministry.
We had a wonderful time with the children today presentation the gospel of Jesus Christ to the congregation, parents and friends.
What a blessing. Adline and Mycka helped by Winnie and Lolita did a wonderful job. May God continue to bless their ministry.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday December 15, 2007

End of computer classes fall term with music, sketch, poem and the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday December 3, 2007

The Bible Study at the state medical school went very well. We start studying the book of Matthew, we covered chapter 1 today. Last year we had 48 students signed up to participate with an average of 20 something being present at each session. Today we had 7 students to start with. There is a new class on Mondays at 7am making it difficult for the 1st year students to participate. We may want to meet a different day instead of Mondays or maybe have 2 studies a week at 2 different times.
Let's pray for guidance, wisdom and discernment.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sunday December 2, 2007

We studied John chapter 14 today, a wonderful chapter pregnant of truths on:
1) How we should not be troubled because of our belief in our Lord Jesus-Christ who is going to prepare us a place so we can be where he is.
2) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit = 1
3) We sometimes search for peace (prosperity) in all the wrong places, only Jesus-Christ offers true peace that passes understanding.

After church I visited 2 of the musicians from the worship team. What an eye opener. I have been doing house visit for the past couple of weeks. I learned so much from these visits that I want to make it a regular activity. It is one thing to stand behind the puppet and teach, it is a totally different and yet amazing learning experience to see the day to day living of the brothers and sisters we minister to. I will probably come to this later.

Today I am going to restart going to the medical school for Bible Study. If you read this post on time, please keep this study of Matthew in prayers.
May God richly bless you, what a joy to serve Him where He wants us to serve.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Saturday December 1, 2007

The worship team went out for the first time today for a time of evangelistic outreach at the College Excelsior High School. In addition to the worship team playing we had a testimony by our children ministry leader and a sketch by the high school student on "Being a slave of this world". My short evangelistic message picked up on the theme of the sketch. I titled it: Freedom or Death. Since our forefathers fought to free the Haitian land of slavery in 1804, I asked the question "What generation is going to bring about the spiritual revolution". Are we braves enough to step forward and be a true disciple of Jesus Christ since there is no other name given to men by which we can be saved.
I also use 2 clips from the movie "The Matrix" to show that most people live in slavery and don't even care to know the truth but heros like Neo search for the truth and find freedom. We need to be braves enough to seek the truth and make the choice of taking the RED pill like Neo, but our red pill is the blood of our Savior Jesus-Christ.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday November 16, 2007

We had our first couple's meeting and we watched a movie together and shared drinks and popcorns. We had 4 couples who visited the church for the time because it was easier for them to come to a movie night than church service. One of these couples want to become regular attendees to our different services because the husband was ministered to.
We want to continue to minister to the different social groups using different types of outreach. The church in Haiti has a reputation of being a kill-joy making it kind of unattractive and burdensome to the unbelievers looking from the outside. Furthermore, the middle class thinks that the church is after their pocket. We want them to know that our main objective is to know God through His Word and have the abundant life Jesus died for.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

November 9, 2007

Today we had our first volunteers appreciation evening and we needed volunteers to make it happens. It is very encouraging to have already 24 people serving in different areas of ministry: Computer Classes, High School Exam prep, children ministry, music, housekeeping, street kids ministry, etc. The volunteers donated the meat, the cake, and the church added sodas, and plantains. 3 leaders of the church spent all day Friday preparing for all of us to have a great time in the Lord.
We took the time to explain the vision of the ministry one more time.
If you ask any church about their vision, many would probably quote Matthew 28:19-20. What makes a difference though is that 1) we don't neglect verse 20 about feeding the flock the Word of God and 2) we do it in unity of spirit.
God really blesses us with wonderful brothers and sisters and we reminded them and myself not to make the mistake of the Galatians found in the beginning of chapter 3 of that book. We need to keep ministering by the Spirit. We remind them about how fragile we all are and how easy it is fall back in the flesh. I ask them to watch over me as I am watching over them so we can continue in the Spirit.

Friday, November 2, 2007

November 2, 2007

It has been raining for the past 5 days. Tropical storm Noel did a lot of damage in Haiti and many folks lost their lives. It does not take much in term of rain to create a chaotic situation here in Haiti because of years of deforestation. Port-au-Prince, the capitatl, is an accident waiting to happen because of the lack of urban planning. People builds house anywhere they want, the watershed, the ravines, and there is no control.

These are some pictures from different sources: UN, journalist, etc.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October 18, 2007

We had water baptism today, the second one since the church started meeting. 12 adults were baptized after about 20 minutes of worship and 45 minutes of teaching on baptism using the booklet from CCM translated in French.

We had a great time together and look forward already to the next one as a 10 years old girl from children ministry asked to be on the waiting list for baptism.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17, 2007

We started Matthew chapter 6 with the street kids today. Usually we don't meet during holidays and today was a holiday in Haiti: Dessalines death. I went there anyway and there was about 20 kids who showed up.
This Wednesday evening was the second time the church meets for mid week service and we had a good group showed up. This is very encouraging to see what the Lord is doing. We finished Genesis chapter 1. The closing comment: God is still saying "Let it be light" in so many areas of our lives because He wants to conform us to the image of His son Jesus-Christ. Let's not interfere with what He is doing in our lives.

October 14-16, 2007

After the Sunday service Edy Gehy and I went east of the border to meet a couple of Calvary Chapel pastors from Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach while they were in Barahona meeting with pastors from the Dominican Republic, a 3 hours trip by car.
We had a great time of sharing common visions for the Island and fellowship, encouraging one another in the Lord.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 14, 2007

This Sunday once again there were no empty chairs in the church and the children ministry saw 21 children come to the Sunday school. Adeline does a great job there, helped by Mycka this time around. However, we need to send more helper to be trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship (AEE in Haiti) that Adeline heads.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 4-7, 2007

Our friend Jim, Barbara (a long time young friend), my wife and I went to Passe Bois d'Orme, a village where Jim has been a missionary for 14 years, to celebrate with them the church anniversary. I had the privilege to teach for 3 days: Friday morning and evening, Saturday evening and Sunday morning. I have a few friends over there, locals and missionaries and it is always a pleasure for us to go over there. This time God allows me to see something different: so many young men who love God are searching for something different. They know that religion does not work but don’t really know the real answer. They are really attracted to the verse by verse expository teaching but need training. Help us pray that new workers would come to the harvest to train these locals to go and duplicate investing time in the Word of God, teaching others and set others free from the bondage of religion, the Law so they can have a real relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1, 2007

Today is the first day of the new session for the computer classes. At some point we had to stop registration since we don't have enough room nor computers to accommodate everyone. We have 88 students registered for Introduction I and II with about 6 hours of Bible study per week. We are going through the book of Romans with them.
God knew that I would not be able to handle the growth by myself and sent Edy Gehy and his wife Elsie to the rescue. They taught the 2 classes today where Edy shared his testimony and 2 young men gave their lives to Christ, one of them asked to be put on the baptism list for the next baptism opportunity. Praise God. This is what it is all about: people giving their lives to Christ. We know God is going to do much more this term. Many of the new comers don’t go to church and we have a great opportunity to present them the gospel on a weekly basis. God promises that when His Word goes out it will not return void but will accomplish what God desires.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday September 30, 2007

Today we had a great problem. The church was full and some of the leaders had to stand in the back giving up their seats to the new comers. We had a wonderful time of worship through music, songs, and Bible study. We finished John chapter 10 and focused on the fact that we may know there is a God, the Good Shepherd and yet with no relationship with Him. It is not enough to know he is the Good Shepherd but instead to accept him as my Shepherd.
Help us pray for God to show us what to do since we already outgrow our small place of worship.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

September 29, 2007

Latest Wedding at CCPAP: Guy and Stephanie.

Friday, September 28, 2007

September 26-28, 2007

We had a 3 day trip to Oriani, a city near the border of the Dominican Republic, about 7000 feet high and cold all here long. Yes, part of Haiti is cold all year long. It is beautiful there and if it was not for the bad road I would not mind going there from time to time. Edy, Elsie, Dinette and I had a great time there. Edy had a meeting with church leaders he ministered for the past 2 years through Bible training. They will come, along with leaders from other churches, to Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince next month for a 2 days training/meeting with Pastor Beau, Edy and myself.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday September 19, 2007

Today we have about 45 kids from the street of Petion-Ville at the Bible Study. 34 of them were older kids and I worked with them at usual and a young man from Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince worked with the younger ones. We seem to get stucked in Matthew chapter 5:28-29. Today questions came up about homosexuality as many of these kids are being solicited by homosexual adults in the area. We talked about the spirit of the commands of God, the why. God wants to protect us and gives us laws to live by. We don't always understand why butwe can trust Him for the results. Today we talked about a few facts on homosexuality: short life span, diseases, unnatural use of our bodies etc. The kids were surprised to learn the cost of homosexuality and did not want to pay such a high physical price not counting the spiritual impact, the worst of all. Let's pray that the Word of God was well received once more since the Bible guarantees the Word will not return void.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 10-14, 2007

P Edy and his wife Elsie, Dinette and I went to Les Cayes, the third largest city in Haiti for some time of rest and family visit. We have been so busy the past 5 months with church services, Bible studies, computer classes, and counseling. We had a wonderful time and we are ready to continue what God calls us to do in Port-au-Prince (PAP).
Back in PAP we are continuing with the registration for the new computer classes. It is sad to see how many smart young kids who cannot afford to go to trade school or university after high school.
We offer the classes for about $7 a semester and yet many students can't come as they can't afford it. If you are reading this and God moves in your heart to sponsor a kid or 2 let us know. Above all, enjoy the life God gives you and serve him with all your heart.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wednesday September 5, 2007

Street Kids Bible Study:
As usual we divided them into 2 groups and I worked with the older ones, more than 30 today with a few new faces. We got stucked on Matthew 5:26-27 about adultery. Once I started asking questions about fornication and why God wants us to stay sexually inactive before marriage I got bombarded with questions. We shared about sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, herpes and others. They were surprised to learn that there were about 28 sexually transmitted diseases, many of which have no cure. God knows what he is talking about when he gives us commands.
One of the new kid, about 19 years old, seems to be influenced by the muslems who are now being active in Haiti. He had a lot of questions, I did not want to get into too much with him today since the context was adultery so I invited him to church. Let's pray that he comes and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday September 4, 2007

Today we had the last computer class to end the first session for beginners. They had an opportunity to create their own email account and send me an email as homework. Next week, we will start signing up people for the next session starting the first week of October to end the second week of December. This time around P Edy and his wife Elsie will join me to teach classes.
We also finished the study of the book of Galatians with them. Some of the students were in church last Sunday, 1 of them for the first time. These computer classes are very popular and may God use them to bring more souls to the kingdom.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday September 2, 2007

What an amazing God we serve. When we taught on John chapter 1: In the beginning was the Word (the Logos, the Logic, the Reason) we mentioned that Greek philosophers realized that everything starts with a thought, an idea. The Bible taught the Jews that behind any idea or thoughts there is a thinker, a creator, the Logos, God who births that idea.
It seems like yesterday that God births in our hearts, my wife and I, to come back home and start a Calvary Chapel in the Capital. Yet, we had about 50 adults in the church yesterday and live music with a worship team for the first time.
Things seem to be moving very fast and we need to attach our seat belt. Edy Gehy, our Haitian friend whom we have met a few years ago at Calvary Chapel FTL came on staff last week as an associate pastor. It is such a blessing. We met through a common Jamaican friend, Tania Nash, who is still actively involved with CC FTL.
Friends, brothers and sisters, keep us in prayers so God can find us faithful. Haiti needs so much that the Word of God be taught by faithful servants.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday August 29, 2007

My wife and I visited the association of handicapped young ladies and brought them our monthly support. We chat with them for a minutes to find out what they are up to. 2 of them passed the official high school state exam and 1 failed. The new school year is around the corner.

We had a great bible study with the street kids in Petion-Ville. There were more than 50 kids and we divided them as usual into 2 groups, the small kids together and the teens together. I continued with Mathew chapter 5 with them. It is amazing how these kids are interested in learning about God and the Bible. One example is that while talking about the Law and Pharisees, I asked them if they remember who a Pharisee was. After explaining to me in their own term that they are people keeping the law one of the kid said the difference between a Pharisee and a Saduccee is that the latter does not believe there a Heaven nor a Hell. Oh, that was music to my hear. They shared their struggle with me as they try to please God on the streets: hard be blessed by being a peacemaker. I encourage them to be patient as God continues to do a great work in their lives.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday August 27 2007

Today is Dinette's birthday and we had 5 friends coming to our house for soda and and a cake. Happy Birthday Dinette.
We have two computer classes on Monday, one from 8am to 10am and another from 11am to 1pm. In the last 30 minutes of each class we hold a Bible Study. But Monday after 30 minutes the 11a-1p class wanted more and we continued until 2pm. They had questions and the Bible has answers. One girl goes to Pentecost church and she did not know where she would go if she dies today and we explain salvation to her, what Christ did on the cross and its meaning and she said that she believes and now is sure of where she would go. One guy is studying with the mormon and we explained to him what this group stands for and we asked him to stop, we'll see what happens next. God is faithfull.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday August 26 2007

We studied John chapter 8:1-19 and we had almost a full church, about 50 adults. Children ministry is up and running again after a break this summer due to the fact that our children ministry leader Adeline was traveling throughout Haiti doing training for future children ministry teachers. Adeline represents Child Evangelism Fellowship in Haiti.
After church the musicians tried out the new equipment we just bought: power amp, mixer, etc. Rehearsal starts officially this Saturday under the leadership of Edy Gehy. God is Great!

We also had the opportunity to speak to a youth group at our friend's church: about 60 teens and early twenties. The subject: Sexual Purity. They had many questions as this is a great challenges to Haitian youth at this time. A few approached me afterward for some one-on-one counseling. God is working with this group, I can tell.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday August 25 2007

We had a great time hosting 4 others pastors at Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince (CCPAP) to have dinner prepared by one the ladies of the church at her own expense. This really ministered to us all. They are already asking for more events like this. Maybe we can move around a little. One of the pastors is Edy Gehy who is now an associate pastor at CCPAP.
In fact, this lady, Karline, who was the first worship team member (used to lead worship by herselft in the beginning) has been preparing me dinner almost consistently on Saturday since we started having church service.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday August 22, 2007

Today Wednesday we had our regular Bible Study with the street kids of Petion-Ville and we studied Matthew 5:1-16 in our walk through the book.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Monday and Tuesday August 20/21

Monday and Tuesday mornings I was back to teaching the Computer classes and we also studied Galatians chapter 4 with them. That's a blessing when we remember that we have unsaved people, adventists, Jehovah witnesses, baptists, pentecotist etc. in these classes.

Tuesday night we were part of a panel of 4 pastors at the church La Communaute where we answered people questions on Salvation, the Holy Spirit and Sanctification.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Back to Haiti Saturday August 19, 2007

My wife and I had a wonderful time in Melbourne FL in our home church. It is great to sit back relax and be ministered to by P Mark Balmer, pastor of CC Melbourne. So many brothers and sisters loved on us. People in Haiti say that I have gained weight while in the states. I know I ate like a p.
I also had the privilege of being ordained by my senior pastor at Calvary Chapel Melbourne. God has a sense of humor: my wife vowed as a young lady to never a pastor and I used to get mad when people used to call me pastor a few years ago. I guessed they saw something that I was running from.

We also had a wonderful time in Kansas City KS where we visited our new friends from IICS and old friend Jim Ross who has been a missionary in Haiti for the past 14 years.

We got to PAP late last Saturday because of flight delay but we made ok. We had to cancel Sunday morning service because of Dean. However, my friend Edy said that did not want to leave me unoccupied on a Sunday and that's why I spent hours Sunday afternoon in the hospital with a friend whose son had an asthmatic attack.
Being in the hospital was heart breaking. There were so many kids who needed care and no doctors except for some interns from the state medical school. In the hallway were dead bodies of kids who have been there since the day before. The entire scene was hard to take, to say the least. I don't want to go into details here. Be praying for the Pediatric at the state hospital, the hospital in general, our main hospital here. I learned that the Pediatric was the best department of the hospital, hard to imagine considering what I saw.