Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saturday December 29, 2007

The worship team was invited to a service of thanksgiving in a friend's house. It is a yearly event and this year we had the opportunity to lead worship.
We had a great time and our children ministry leader presented to the gospel through a poem.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wednesday December 26, 2007

Monique Guillaume ministry and Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince combined our efforts to present the street kids the opportunity to fellowship with other brothers in Christ, some of whom came from the USA.

The kids sang, recited Bible verses, told joke, answered Bible trivia and we all had a great time in the Lord.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday December 23, 2007

God is faithful always. His promises always come true as it is the case with our children ministry.
We had a wonderful time with the children today presentation the gospel of Jesus Christ to the congregation, parents and friends.
What a blessing. Adline and Mycka helped by Winnie and Lolita did a wonderful job. May God continue to bless their ministry.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday December 15, 2007

End of computer classes fall term with music, sketch, poem and the presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday December 3, 2007

The Bible Study at the state medical school went very well. We start studying the book of Matthew, we covered chapter 1 today. Last year we had 48 students signed up to participate with an average of 20 something being present at each session. Today we had 7 students to start with. There is a new class on Mondays at 7am making it difficult for the 1st year students to participate. We may want to meet a different day instead of Mondays or maybe have 2 studies a week at 2 different times.
Let's pray for guidance, wisdom and discernment.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sunday December 2, 2007

We studied John chapter 14 today, a wonderful chapter pregnant of truths on:
1) How we should not be troubled because of our belief in our Lord Jesus-Christ who is going to prepare us a place so we can be where he is.
2) Father, Son, and Holy Spirit = 1
3) We sometimes search for peace (prosperity) in all the wrong places, only Jesus-Christ offers true peace that passes understanding.

After church I visited 2 of the musicians from the worship team. What an eye opener. I have been doing house visit for the past couple of weeks. I learned so much from these visits that I want to make it a regular activity. It is one thing to stand behind the puppet and teach, it is a totally different and yet amazing learning experience to see the day to day living of the brothers and sisters we minister to. I will probably come to this later.

Today I am going to restart going to the medical school for Bible Study. If you read this post on time, please keep this study of Matthew in prayers.
May God richly bless you, what a joy to serve Him where He wants us to serve.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Saturday December 1, 2007

The worship team went out for the first time today for a time of evangelistic outreach at the College Excelsior High School. In addition to the worship team playing we had a testimony by our children ministry leader and a sketch by the high school student on "Being a slave of this world". My short evangelistic message picked up on the theme of the sketch. I titled it: Freedom or Death. Since our forefathers fought to free the Haitian land of slavery in 1804, I asked the question "What generation is going to bring about the spiritual revolution". Are we braves enough to step forward and be a true disciple of Jesus Christ since there is no other name given to men by which we can be saved.
I also use 2 clips from the movie "The Matrix" to show that most people live in slavery and don't even care to know the truth but heros like Neo search for the truth and find freedom. We need to be braves enough to seek the truth and make the choice of taking the RED pill like Neo, but our red pill is the blood of our Savior Jesus-Christ.