Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Church Service outside the building

Please direct all aid to either Calvary Chapel of Melbourne P Mark Balmer:
2955 Minton Rd
Melbourne FL, 32904
Tel: 321-952-9673

or Calvary Chapel in the City (Boston) P Steve Cole:
P.O. Box 200178
Boston, MA 02120
Tel: 617-232-6300

Many of the leaders are out but last Sunday we had over 200 in attendance for the church service.

Friday, January 22, 2010

CC Port-au-Prince is helping the congregation

As you know many people live now on the streets and public places with no bathrooms nor running water. I don't have to describe the sites for you.
CC P-au-P has been clearing up a field owned by a couple in the church in order to set up a tents area with running water, bathrooms, and food. We expect to shelter the first of people this weekend, including the handicapped young ladies that we work with.
The picture below gives you a glimpse of life in P-au-P. This is choosen at random.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Serge and the orphanage workers and children (and others from Calvary PAP) are still living in the orphanage courtyard. They may be moving to another location. The orphanage has sustained enough damage that Pastor Serge is not comfortable with anyone sleeping inside (Serge told us last night that virtually no one is sleeping indoors in the neighborhood because aftershocks – including one as recently as Saturday – are still bringing houses down). There are two critical foundation poles which seem quite unstable, which will need reinforcing, among other things. Hence, a major prayer request – pray for the Lord to supernaturally keep the orphanage facility standing until the poles can be reinforced, among other things.
In our conversation with Serge, Eric and I also got some great color of more positive things that are going on. Serge says that the young leaders in his church are totally fired up for Jesus, and have been involved with impromptu, open air evangelistic meetings. He says his whole church is out evangelizing and very excited about it. Many people are being saved.
The church building appears to be so damaged that Serge said he will probably vacate the space and look for something new. Please pray for that.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thanks for inquiring about how to send donations

All donations to Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince Aid Funds must be directed to:
Calvary Chapel of Melbourne
2955 Minton Rd
Melbourne, FL 32904
Memo: Haiti or Seige

Phone: 321-952-9673
Fax: 321-952-1329

Thanks for your prayers

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

Pastor Seige called this morning and he is fine. The kids and the staff at the orphanage are fine, but the church and orphanage buildings are cracked, so they are staying out of the buildings. He was able to reach some of the people who attend the church and they were fine also. We'll keep you posted. Pray for Haiti!