Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Calvary Christian Family Orphanage Video

Click on the following link to view a video about the Calvary Christian Family Project that was produced by Calvary Chapel in the City:

View Video

Monday, November 24, 2008

Early Arrivals from Calvary in the City

Two of the Calvary in the City team from Boston arrived yesterday afternoon. Eric and Mike have spent the day today making plans and buying necessary materials such as wood, paint, and plumbing supplies in preparation for the rest of the team who will arrive tomorrow. It looks to be a week of serious work, fun and fellowship.

2nd Men's Meeting

Over 40 men from Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince gathered Saturday evening for another meeting together. We are firmly convinced that strong Christian men who have been transformed by the grace of Jesus Christ are the key to lasting change in families, in the work place, and in society in general. The plan is to continue meeting twice a month to look into God's Word together.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Calvary Christian Family Blessed by the Youth of CCPAP

Another day of cleaning and painting at Calvary Christian Family (CCF) by the youth of Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince (CCPAP) in Haiti. We had 41 people joining hands together today to help CCF get ready to welcome the kids in 2009.
Next week a mission team from Calvary Chapel in the City (CCC Boston) will come to make beds, tables, murals, closets among other things. God is at work and we are blessed to be part of it.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Calvary Youth At Work

On Friday, November 14th nineteen Calvary youth did an entire day of hard work at Calvary Christian Family. They did a beautiful job sanding and painting the walls of several rooms. Another work day is planned for Tuesday. It is wonderful to witness these young people working with all of their hearts motivated by the love of God that they have experienced in Jesus Christ. Praise God for the work He is doing in their lives.

School Collapse Update

A few posts ago, we told you about Natalie's little sister who was among the missing after the collapse of The Promise School in Petion-Ville. Sadly, last week her body was finally recovered from under the rubble. Her funeral was held this last Friday morning, November 14th. Please continue to pray for Natalie. She also has another sister and a brother who were injured in the collapse and who still remain hospitalized.

The question we all must ask as we face this tragedy is, "Are we ourselves prepared for death?" Hebrews 9:27 says, "It is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment." Only those who have accepted Jesus as Savior by faith can face death without fear.

Accepting Jesus is so simple. As I heard it put once, it is as simple as ABC. Admit you are a sinner deserving God's judgment (Romans 3:23). Believe that Jesus died for your sins as your substitute (Romans 5:8). Confess with you mouth that Jesus is your Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9). To anyone who takes these steps by faith, God promises to give eternal life. "He who believes in the Son has eternal life..." (John 3:36). The fear and sting of death is gone for those who have this new spiritual life. To die is simply to be with Christ. ARE YOU READY TO FACE DEATH IF IT COMES TODAY?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 15th Baptism

Pastor Seige and Fanfan baptizing new followers of Jesus. In all, 21 young adults and children were baptized.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Calvary Christian Family Names An Administrator

Marie-Mycka Nelson was named last week as the official administrator of Calvary Christian Family. In her time at Calvary, Mycka has faithfully served in various ministries including teaching a computer course, running the Calvary cafeteria, singing in the worship team, and she is currently head of the children's ministry. Mycka is already busy in this new capacity organizing necessary repairs on the Calvary Christian Family building. Please uphold her in prayer as she leads this important ministry.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Deadly School Collapse

Here are a few photos of the collapsed School of Promise in Petion-Ville where an estimated 89 to 93 students and teachers were killed and another 150 injured when the structure gave way during a school party. Search and rescue are ongoing. The school is located only about 10 minutes from Calvary's location.

Among the missing is the little sister of a girl who attends Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince regularly named Natalie. Please uphold Natalie in prayer as she and her family await news of her sister's fate.

These photos were taken by one of Calvary's teachers who teaches the street kids in Petion-Ville

Monday, November 3, 2008

Couples Meeting

Last Saturday evening Calvary hosted a special meeting just for couples. It was a time of giving encouragement from the Word of God as well as practical advice in order to strengthen Godly relationships.

2 Sunday Morning Services

On October 26th Calvary Chapel Port-au-Prince began holding a second Sunday morning worship service in order to accomodate the number of people attending. There is now a worship service at 7:30 a.m. and another at 10:00 a.m. We praise God that more and more people are coming to hear the Word of God taught fully and accurately.