Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pastor Steve and Pastor Seige

More Fond Verette Pics

Evangelistic Skits at Fond Verette

The Calvary in the City group was able to perform three evangelistic skits at the open-air market in Fond Verette. All of the skits portray deep truth about life and how Jesus is the only way to a new and transformed life. Four ladies came forward afterward asking to receive Christ as their Savior.

Fond Verette Kids Program

While part of the group continued to do construction work, part of the Calvary in the City group from Boston did a small childrens program with some of the local kids. They taught them a couple of songs including, "The B-I-B-L-E" and "Our God is so Big". The Fond Verette kids had a ball! I think the older, Calvary kids did too!

Fond Verette Pics

Fond Verette

On Friday the Calvary in the City group went to a small village called Fond Verette near the Dominican Republic border to help with construction of a new church building. They spent a long day under the hot sun mixing cement by hand to set the main posts for the building. It was a great day of everyone pitching in and working hard together.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another Day With Calvary In The City

More Calvary In The City Pics

Calvary In The City Visit

Pastor Steve Cole and a group from Calvary in the City, Boston arrived yesterday to spend six days with us here. Their visit began with a traditional Haitian meal of rice and beans, salad, and chicken. We then had a worship service in which pastor Steve spoke from 1 Samuel 27-30 about the faithfulness of God in David's life despite his failures. We finally got back to the guesthouse at around 9:00 p.m. and everyone went right to bed after such a long day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Inductive Bible Study Seminar

For the next 5 Saturday mornings Seige and Edy will be teaching a seminar on Inductive Bible Study. This past Saturday there were approximately 40 people who attended. It is a great way to help people learn to study the Bible for themselves.

New Class Session Begins

This past week we began our new session of classes which include: English Level I, Intermediate English, English Level II, Computer Level I, Computer Level II, Computer Level III, and Basics of Computer Repair. In all, there are 261 students enrolled. With each class we do 30 minutes of Bible study concentrating this session on the Book of Ephesians and the Book of Colossians. We are so thankful for the opportunity to reach out to so many young people.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Slideshow Of Recent Protests In Port-au-Prince

Click on the following link for pictures of the recent protests in Port-au-Prince taken by United Nations photographers:

1st Worship Service In New Building

Sunday, April 13th was our first worship service in the new building. There were a few logistical bugs with the sound system and PowerPoint, but for the most part the transition went very smoothly. Even though we now have more space, all of the available chairs were filled and a few people even had to stand. We thank God for the steady growth and for the spiritual progress people are making.

More Moving Pictures

We Are Moved Into Our New Building!

Despite all of the unsettling events that took place in Port-au-Prince last week, God allowed us to move into our new building. It was amazing to watch how everyone pitched and worked together to clean and paint the entire building, then move chairs, computer equipment, musical instuments, sound system, office equipment, and much more all in two days time!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Protest Aftermath

Many places in Port-au-Prince look like war zones after protests against the increasingly high cost of living in Haiti turned violent. The windows of many cars and businesses were broken out with rocks, some businesses were totally ransacked, and all major roads were blocked with debri and burning tires.

However, things seem to be calmer today. Thank you for continuing to pray for the situation.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Unrest in Haiti - A Message From Pastor Seige

Dear brothers and sisters,

Haiti is, as you may know already, going through some tough times at this point as people took over the streets protesting against high unemployment (70%), food shortage, lack of basic necessities, and lack of government policies to deal with these problems. Many countries in the world are going through tough times as well, but remember Haiti was already the poorest country in the western hemisphere, making things violent and chaotic here. I don’t think there are any mature Christians on the streets nor involved in any government corruption. Then, preaching and teaching the Word of God becomes more and more urgent. Keep us in prayers for boldness, safety, wisdom, etc. and most of all for the power of the Holy Spirit to empower us to do ministry here.

We love you all, God bless you and enjoy one another in the Lord

Monday, April 7, 2008

We Start Moving Tomorrow!

The deal was finalized tonight. Tomorrow we start the enormous task of moving into a larger building. Our hope is to have everything moved and ready to go by the time classes begin on Monday. This is a real answer to prayer. The video clip is of the downstairs of the new building which will be used for the church sanctuary.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Possible New Location for Calvary Chapel P-a-P

There is a possibility that God has provided Calvary Chapel P-a-P with a new building. It has a good deal more space than our current facility and the owner is asking the same price for rent that we are currently paying. Also, it is located just a short distance from where we are right now which is important because we want to stay in this same neighborhood. The only hang-up is that they are asking for a full years rent up-front. This week we should know for sure if we can secure the necessary funds. If so, we would begin moving as early as next week. Please pray that God would lead very clearly in this important matter. The video shows the outside of the possible new location.